Accessibility Statement
We are committed to accommodating students with learning or physical disabilities, and your success in this class is important to us. If there are circumstances that may affect your performance in this class, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can work together to develop strategies for adapting assignments to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course. Individuals with disabilities of any kind (including learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, health conditions), who require instructional, curricular, or test accommodations are responsible for making such needs known to the instructor and the Dean of Students Office as early as possible. If you have a documented disability (or think you may have a disability) and, as a result, need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this class, complete course requirements, or benefit from the College’s programs or services, contact the Dean of Student’s Office as soon as possible. To receive any academic accommodation, you must be appropriately registered. Every possible effort will be made to accommodate students in a timely and confidential manner. The Dean of Students Office works with students confidentially and does not disclose any disability-related information without their permission.
People learn in different ways and the organization of any course accommodates each student differently. For example, you may prefer to process information by speaking and listening, so that some of the written handouts we provide may be difficult to absorb. Please talk to us as soon as you can about your individual learning needs and how this course can best accommodate them. If you do not have a documented disability, remember that other support services, including the Writing Center, the Speaking Center and the Math and Science Center, are available to all students.
Honor Code and Plagiarism
To remind you, the Honor Code states: “On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized information regarding this work, I have followed and will continue to observe all regulations regarding it, and I am unaware of any violation of the Honor Code by others.”
The Honor Code is one of Davidson’s most cherished institutions. Let’s keep it that way! All of your work in this course is covered under the Honor Code and must be pledged (the word “pledged” and your signature, electronic signature, or type-written initials). Points will be deducted from any work that is not pledged.
The Davidson College Biology Department’s statement on plagiarism is the guide for this course. All reviews are closed book, closed notes, take-home exams. This form of testing is only possible because of the honor code. Please do not violate my trust in you or the honor code. In addition, you are required under the code to report to me or the Dean of Students any violations you observe or hear about second hand.