Wasson et al discuss implementing an ecosystem based management program at Elkhorn Slough, a Californian estuary, in Lessons learned from an ecosystem-based management approach to restoration of a California estuary. The ‘lessons learned’ leave us with great recommendations – engage stakeholders of different perspectives, fund for the long haul, develop specific management … [Read more...]
Ecosystem-Based System in Practice
Restoring the structure of an ecosystem, although seemingly complex because of the great amount of land an ecosystem may constitute, is in practicality difficult to complete because of the many stakeholders involved. In Kerstin Wasson et al.'s "Lessons learned from an ecosystem-based management approach to restoration of a California estuary," they discuss the difficulties … [Read more...]
Cost-Benefit Analysis of EBM in Massachusetts Bay
In the world of ecosystem-based management (EBM) ecological preservation goes hand in hand with regulating human interaction with the environment. It is defined in the paper The interaction triangle as a tool for understanding stakeholder interactions in marine ecosystem based management by Rockmann et. al as “an integrated approach to management that considers entire … [Read more...]
Is Dilution the Solution?
The catchy phrase that was used to "solve" environmental issues may not have such solid ground in the realm of environmental management. Diluting the regulation and management of environmental based management (EBM) may find some faults in the inclusivity of its stakeholders and regulatory agencies. Acheson had discovered a wanting in the clarification of regulatory authority … [Read more...]
Reflection: Ecosystem-Based Management
Last week we discussed adaptive management and came to the conclusion that this process encourages a learning by doing management style that is dynamic in its ability to adapt to monitoring one resource (Lee, 1999). Well, this past week, we amped it up a notch and discussed a management style where we are now responsible for multiple resources, all their interactions with one … [Read more...]